Conecon: combines

Our Range of Services

Conecon specializes in providing EPC services in the context of photovoltaic power plant construction. We plan, construct, and supervise each major project on a case by case basis and with the utmost care right up until handoff.

Therefore, we have aligned our company structure to meet the needs of our customers. We have an international team, our own extensive machinery pool and fleet of transport vehicles, logistics centers in Germany and Romania, and an engineering office in Spain. These resources make us a reliable and effective service partner for the solar industry.


Execution Planning

Alongside the operational services, we coordinate the work of all trades involved and focus on optimizing costs and capacities. The construction process considers health and safety requirements, and includes the logistics on site.

Our extensive experience ensures safety and contributes to cost-efficient and effective project planning.

In detail
  • Project planning
  • Creation of CAD layouts
  • Costs and income optimization
  • Capacity planning
  • Construction schedule planning
  • Construction site planning
  • Health and safety
„Every construction plan for a photovoltaic system is unique, and implementation planning is the key to meeting individual requirements.“
Florian Boier and Hugo Crespo

Construction and Implementation Phase

During the construction and implementation phase, we rely on our experienced project management and quality management in compliance with health and safety requirements.

This phase of the project is carried out in three stages: underground construction and civil works, mechanical installation, and electrical installation. Thanks to precise management and monitoring/reporting, we ensure integrated construction site management that perfectly meets local requirements.

Underground Construction and Earthworks
  • Road construction
  • Foundations
  • Fencing
  • Foundation soil preparation
Mechanical Installation
  • Framework and tracker installation
  • Module installation
Electrical Installation
  • AC/DC cabling
  • System earthing
  • Transformer stations
  • Inverters
  • Scada/monitoring
„A sustainable future starts with efficient photovoltaic systems and I am proud to be part of this change.“
Slavisa Perez, construction manager

Commissioning and Documentation

Product-specific commissioning is carried out in close coordination with the corresponding manufacturers. In addition, precise documentation is generated to ensure smooth operation of the power plants.

In detail
  • Product-specific commissioning
  • Specifications and data sheets for all installed components
  • As-built documentation

Conecon stands for on time.

We can guarantee this because we utilize our own employees and machinery pool as well as cooperation with our local partners.

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